New research, new questions...

Now before you start asking questions, I have to pose a few of my own.

Every person in the world has dopplegangers, perfect look-alikes. In my research, I have come across this phenomenon several times. Now what I would like to know is this: when you unite the dopplegangers, what happens?

Even in nature, identical things are quite rare, but the fact that humans have have multiple identical copies of themselves wandering about makes one wonder if there is any supernatural power behind it...

I guess its time to pound the books on the subject.

An update on my Lycanthropy: I'm still a werewolf. I have been able to control my wolf form more and more over the past months, I'm not sure if this is a good or bad sign...

As I can control my inner beast more and more, it makes me wonder if the change is getting more and more permanent or if I'm just becoming accustom to having four legs and immense amounts of fur...

Still no breakthroughs on un-becoming a werewolf, at least, not through Sanguimancy. I'm looking into more archaic methods of reverting from beast to man, though none seem exactly pleasant... I personally don't like to have my essence leeched at by spirits from the aether...

As far as blood magic research goes, it has reached a dead halt. While in the frozen wastes, the locals discovered my secret and burned my house while I slept. Fortunately, the wards that I cast about myself and my living area saved me, unfortunately they did not save my books...

Thankfully I always keep my field book on my person, so I am not completely without magical protection, though some of my tomes were the last of their kind... Many of their authors were long ago laid to rest or burned at the stake for practicing "witchcraft" and "black magic". So once again, I must ask of you, my faithful followers, do you have any spare books?

And now for the part you've all been waiting for:
I've been gone for more than a year. I must apologize for this before I explain.

After my living with the humans up north, I wandered.

I wandered for months without hope or reason, dropping into deep wells of sorrow for I thought all was lost and I would remain a lycanthrope forever. This is when I had a spark of genius.
I saw Adamant... or more correctly, someone who looked exactly like Adamant. A doppleganger. Which led to a very awkward conversation and my escaping again.

Now, I recalled a bit of my research and coming across the term a few times in some of my older books, and this made me curious.

So, in need of more knowledge, I traveled across the ocean to get to the root of all this magical mess, where I could find the cure for my disease and more magical history, more tomes, more spells... I made my move into Europe.

This time I was smart, I avoided small towns (they seem to know a werewolf on sight) and stuck to the larger cities and the woods. But I still had no leads... no scent to follow to my prey...

Until next time, Darton.


And many happy returns...

Dear readers, I am back.

I must apologize for my sudden lack of posting, as I was in hiding for the past two years.

My running from the Order has lead me far from anywhere inhabitable and north into the frozen wastes.

Not much happens up here, I spend my days reading tomes full of arcane magicks during the day, and I scavenge for food during the night (the moon is waning.)

As of now... I have had no luck in my search for the cure for my inner puppy, although my advances in blood magic are quite strong.

I have yet to master summoning the Blood Golem, but I have made great progress with Blood Worms and these child sized creatures called Satyrs. There is this huge expanse of power in the universe, and if I could just learn to harness it, I would be able to cure my Lycanthropy and summon Rethilmere back from whatever plane of existence he seems to have disappeared into...

Back to the frozen north...

It's cold. Barren. And seems to be devoid of others of my kind... or you know... anything at all... other than this small town, I can't find anything for miles. This place looks like a truck-stop in the middle of a white desert... with lots of trees...

I will begin recounting my adventures to you over the next few days, I wish I could type it all for you now, but I must disappear into the woods before I am spotted, I will probably try to establish some living space among the humans within the week, its too cold out, even for me.



Well, they were friendly...

I've moved again, and now I don't think Adamant will find me...

Anyways, no breakthroughs with anything... at all... My wolf cycle lasted longer than usual, not sure if it was because it is winter right now or if I'm getting worse...

Will I ever become full wolf and not just a werewolf?

I sense more research on the horizon.


It's time.

I can feel it, the days growing shorter and the nights growing longer... The full moon has to occur within the week...

I am not exactly looking forward to my next transformation, but there are others like me here and I need to get in contact with them. This may be my last post for a while, seeing as I'm transforming and things may go bad...

No progress on the cure for my Lycanthropy, although I did find some interesting articles on the internet, they turned out being totally fake, but still I found them quite entertaining.

No word from Adamant, wishing him well wherever he may be, and also wishing for him to finish whatever he is doing and get back to helping me!

More later... I hope...


I think I like living here...

I decided it would be best to leave the lair for a bit to do some grocery shopping. Everyone knows to keep a plentiful supply of steak handy for your cycle... right?

Whilst browsing through the meat department, I happened to notice several other people doing the same thing I was! Now, at first I thought it was a coincidence... humans eat meat too... but then I noticed we all had shaggy hair, again coincidence... then the man next to me started sniffing all the packages and pulling out the best smelling ones!

That was the selling point. I am not alone. When the full moon hits I will try to remain human enough to find them and see if they can help me.


Halfway there...

The moon was half full last nigh and I am beginning to worry if I will ever be able to cure this Lycanthropy... Looking through the old magics left me with one of two unpleasant options: Get stabbed through the heart with a silver knife, or get beaten to death with a silver mace of some kind... I believe that my exact words upon discovering this were: "Oh... Fascinating..." But, seeing as I wear silver jewelry, I don't think that will work.

Found a few more promising books at the library but they turned out being novels. I don't want to read some imagined person's struggle with what I am dealing with! I want a cure for the werewolf!

While at the library, I did some research on the web. Mainly lore and old wives' tales, but there were a few interesting points I stumbled across: As a normal thing, Lycanthropy is a curse or it is bestowed upon you by the Devil. Some stories indicate werewolves being warriors of God. Personally I like the second one. There were many ways, I found, to become a werewolf, but none to revert to human form permanently.

Oh well. I will find a cure eventually.

Adamant is still away, (not that I expected different) I really wish he could write me, I could use some instruction on how to read these blasted books of his... what are they written in, Demonic?

My presence here remains unnoticed by the Order of the Benign, but this is always questionable. I do not know if they are interested in my kind or not, they might be too busy chasing after Adamant, or they might not know I exist... I give it about a week before I have to move again...

As for my updates on the Blood Worms, they turned out to be around two meters long and five of them sprouted from my hand... ouch... I knew being a Bloodmage would hurt, but I never thought it to be this bad... I found in chapter thirteen of my grimoire that you can not only summon familiars to do your bidding, but you can also form your body itself into a weapon! One item of interest to me will take some time to master, but will be worth it. Summoning Blood Golems.

I will keep you posted.


Trudging along...

No breakthroughs with my curse today... the moon is almost half full and i shaved twice today... at noon and again around dinner...


I ran into an old friend of mine at the Library, it was entertaining. I don't think she was quite expecting to see me at all... or ever again for that matter...

I will continue to search for my cure, hopefully I will discover something before my cycle begins at the next full moon.

Maybe I have been looking in all the wrong places, I will try Mayan, Aztec, and maybe Indian spiritualism in my next endeavors since blood magic has been failing me epically.
I did stumble across a new spell in my book... It involves summoning small creatures known as "blood worms," I will try it out and post about the results.

Wish me luck.